11 May, 2024


Polyclean is a leading organisation providing services of innovative solutions in Commercial, Industrial and Domestic Hygiene Control & water tank cleaning UAE. We aim to constantly strengthen our regional presence through utilizing the latest scientific and technological developments in the industry.

The idea for our chemical-free pest control, the ThermoNox® heat treatment, was developed in 1994 in the flour milling industry. From the outset, we have worked with a leading insurance agency and a German association for food and restaurant businesses to develop a complete, safe, and effective way to control pests without the need for harmful chemicals.

We work with sustainable, state-of-the-art technology to eradicate pests effectively. One of our core strengths is to work with and for our clients to fit each individual need.

We are outcome oriented and understand the need to incorporate specific client interests.

Our equipment is Made in Germany and maintained by technicians trained in Germany.

How The Thermonox Heat Treatment Eradicates Pests Without The Need For Chemicals?

The ThermoNox® treatment is based on the inactivation of living cells through thermal denaturation. Stored product pests, moths, woodboring beetles are effectively killed by heating a room or building to a pre-determined temperature. This treatment will eliminate all bugs , but also remove eggs, larvae and all other stages of the insect life cycle.

One of the Main Considerations For Our Heat Treatment is The Target Temperature Range:

  • The temperature has to be maintained at a minimum of 122 - 140 °F (50 - 60 °C) for a pre-determined period of time.
  • At the same time, this target temperature cannot not be exceeded as extreme heat could potentially damage furniture or machinery.